Using A Winning Strategy When Playing Online Blackjack In California

If employed properly, a basic blackjack strategy can turn the tables on the house and deliver a winning edge to players in many cases. There are reputable and responsible offshore casinos that currently support CA players with legal online blackjack, offering multiple banking methods and rewarding the smart player who implements a blackjack strategy correctly. Developing a solid strategy could definitely impact your California online casino betting experience.

One of the reasons that a blackjack basic strategy can reward a savvy player so effectively is because the dealer's actions are predetermined, and yours are not. When you know exactly what a dealer is and is not allowed to do in any given situation after viewing their up card, whether you are playing live dealer blackjack or against computerized gaming software, you have more control than the house does.

It is this freedom of action that causes the typical player to underperform in this card game which offers some of the best odds you will find in any casino game online or off. If you play your cards right, you can find better odds with blackjack than with other types of online betting, including California poker betting or CA sports betting.

Average California blackjack players, and those from other states in the US and around the world, tend to make plays based on hunches and what they perceive as trends in recent runs of cards. But never forget, casino gaming software, (or a physical deck of playing cards) does not care what happened on the last hand. Every hand should be treated separately, and when you simply use a common blackjack strategy to formulate your playing decisions in a game of 21, your emotion is taken out of the equation.

In this way, you make the smarter play in any given situation, every time.

When playing online blackjack in California, there are intricate plays you can make once you understand the basic 21 strategy (such as always splitting pairs of Aces or 10s), but you must know the basic blackjack strategy like the back of your hand first.

Of course, one of the benefits of playing online, whether you are located in the Golden State or anywhere else in the world, is that you can constantly refer to a blackjack strategy chart or blackjack strategy card. Do this at first while playing 21 online for free, until basic strategy becomes second nature.

After learning the ropes, you can move on to one of the legitimate California blackjack casinos we have listed here on our site, grab the generous welcome bonus money offered, and begin playing for real money. This way, you will have already ingrained a winning blackjack strategy into your mind, giving you the best chance at raking in the most chips.

That said, no blackjack strategy will help you win every hand. Remember, Internet and brick-and-mortar casino games are games of chance, and companies would not be in business if they did not set themselves up in such a position that they make money over the long term. The house always has an edge, even if it's just a half a percent or so in the case of online 21.

That said, as a California resident, if you never did anything more than implement a blackjack basic strategy when playing 21 online, you would immediately have better blackjack odds than the vast majority of online gamblers, and this is the basis for enjoying a profitable career in the long run.